Faculty FAQ
StreamlinED: An Inclusive Access digital model that delivers digital content such as eBooks, homework platforms and learning tools in Brightspace.
Digital Course Materials: This refers to any digital educational content including eBooks, platforms, study tools, videos, slides and PowerPoints.
What is the StreamlinED Process? After the student account period opens, students who have enrolled in a course that is participating in StreamlinED, will receive a Welcome email that includes cost, deadlines and other course specific information. The cost of these materials will be applied to the student account automatically. No waiting in line, no late assignments- easy access on Day 1 in Brightspace.
What is the benefit? Students who participate have higher success rates with first day access to course materials. The content is also more interactive, adaptive and includes accessibility features.
How much does it cost? Thanks to our partnerships with faculty and publishers, we can offer lower prices than traditional textbooks and student price is at or below publisher direct digital pricing. Students can find the associated cost through their Welcome email or through the Booklist.
Do I have to set up my publisher platform differently? Set up to platforms in Brightspace such as Achieve, Connect or MindTap will stay the same and the bookstore will work with publishers to open the link to your students. Pearson products and eBooks will link students to content via the adding the VitalSource BookShelf tool in Brightspace. This removes the need for access codes and takes students directly to their accessibility friendly eBooks. The FCTL team and Bookstore are here to support you with your course set-up in Brightspace.
What if a student is having trouble accessing course materials? You can direct them to us for support rather than a customer service line. We can help determine the cause of an issue, walk students through troubleshooting and bubble up problems to people who can help. Connecting students with the Bookstore should expedite a resolution and help them feel supported. Streamlined@missouristate.edu or 417-836-6242.
What if students prefer print? Print add-ons or alternatives are available for many StreamlinED courses. Print Add-ons are low-cost and typically paired to materials that also include a homework platform. Students would need to remain OPTed In to the digital content to complete assignments. Print Alternatives are full price books that are an alternate option to a StreamlinED eBook. There would be no digital homework platform attached and students should OPT out of the digital eBook. We are happy to work with faculty on format solutions that fit the needs of the course.
How do students OPT out? They can use the OPT out form , use the OPT button in Brightspace, a link at the bottom of your Welcome email, or email streamlined@missouristate.edu before the OPT deadline that is provided in their Welcome email. They will receive a confirmation email once they have been OPTed out. Their account will be refunded in 3-5 business days. If they wish to OPT back in, they can before the OPT deadline.
I have more questions! Contact the MSU Bookstore team at streamlined@missouristate.edu.